We offer a range of trainings for anyone who desires to learn these new age, erotic ways of being in service.



Erotic Healing Bodywork

This one day workshop will teach you about how energy moves differently in men and women, the best way to cultivate this energy and how to move it through the body.

You will learn a variety of strokes, how to bring your heart into a session and walk away confident in the art of erotic touch.

We have workshops for men and women, offered at alternate times and you can either bring someone along to practice with or we can provide a willing participant.

Held in the Byron Shire


Women’s Embodiment Initiation Training

In this full weekend training you will be initiated into the realms of embodied sexuality and conscious kink. This workshop is designed for those souls who know they are here to work in these realms but unsure where to begin. Or those souls who would like to deepen their own embodiment and learn some tool in how to move from their eros.

In this training we cover topics such as:

  • Embodied Dance

  • Tantric tools to cultivate and move sexual energy

  • Archetypal Exploration

  • Basic Conscious Kink

  • Embodying Consent on a somatic level

  • Holding Space

  • Women and Mens arousal

Held on the Sunshine Coast

