What people are saying.

  • “My experience with this therapist was beyond words...”

    But I will try to articulate here how profound and energetically magical my session with this wonderful angel was. 

    Before going for a Bodywork session I felt energetically blocked, my flow was restricted in some ways. I carried the effects of a previous relationship. Feelings of shame, guilt and emasculation had caused blockages in my sexual energy and my ownership of my dark masculine... and my masculine sexual power had been repressed and my flame was dim. 

    Through the first session my therapist ensured I was absolutely comfortable and safe. My nervousness and tension soon relaxed as she took me on an incredible journey of sensual touch and energetic flow. As my sexual energy was moved and directed around my body it opened up sensations I had not felt in a long time... and some very new sensual experiences as well. 

    She is an absolute magician and her intuitive knowledge of when... where... and how to raise and lower ones sexual energy and where to take it... is tuned to perfection. 

    The session has assisted in reigniting my flame and unlocking my true healthy masculine sexual energy. After each session I am brighter... lighter... and more energetically charged than before. She helps me walk my magic.

    — Shane

  • “From the moment he stepped off his motorbike I was swept away.”

    He held me, we gazed into each others eyes for what seemed like forever, there were no words, he connected beyond words. Every breath was soft and sensual and intentional. He matched me as I inhaled and exhaled and I melted my breath and body into him. 

    As the night unfolded we dove deeper into desire and physical connection through dance and breath, sensual sounds and erotic delights. He watched me as I quivered, reclaiming my ancient lover, my sacred lover.

    A truly heart opening experience for any woman who wants to feel what it’s like to be aligned with a man. 

    He was divine .

    — Anon xxx

  • Journeying with premature ejaculation.

    I had fear going into the session as I was journeying with premature ejaculation at the time. 

    This session involved lingham massage so I moved through body shame very easily lying naked on the massage table.

    The best part of the experience was tracking the ebb and flow of energy that would rise in my body. 

    The therapist knew exactly when to increase and decrease the pleasure sensations in my body.

    She listened to my body and my communication of when to increase and decrease touch around my sex centre and spread the energy around the rest of my body.

    When emotions arose when my pleasure arose, I felt held. Tears moved through. Laughter, cathartic release and a sinking deeper into my humanness.

    Since this experience I have felt more comfortable with my body, not caring if I ejaculate or not and more freedom to experience more openness in touch and connection. A deeper expression of my body

    — Anonymous