
Conscious Connections is all about helping to create the shift to the new paradigm way of relating. 

At Conscious Connections we want to help evolve the way society views sexual energy, relating, intimacy and the erotic. This is about creating a collective of people who value the healing power of sexual energy and connection, and desire to work with others in this way. The people working with Conscious Connections are all highly skilled coaches, bodyworkers, therapists and artists who desire to help you connect deeper to yourself and your desires.

Natalie, the founder of Conscious Connections has a deep passion to help others shift out of the shame and guilt cycle, so they too can experience more freedom and pleasure. 

She has been journeying conscious relating for the past few years and started Conscious Connections as she felt there was a need for a space where people can find more embodied, educational, erotic, healing experiences and where practitioners with the same philosophies could work in a safe and respectful environment. 

Natalie’s hope is to help pave the way for others to view the adult industry for the healing it can truly offer and to create a safe, community minded space for people to offer their services.

 A space where we can support each other, collaborate together and work towards a brighter, more connected future.

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“I really enjoyed the bodywork with Nathalie. She is very skilful and deliberate with her touch. Her massage was really relaxing and nourishing for my body. I felt supported when emotions arose. I felt great throughout the entire experience and would recommend her to others.”

— Matthew

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Conscious connections will change the world by connecting people to their hearts and helping them lead from love.

For thousands of years tantric consorts have gently guided men behind the scenes by dropping them into Eros, connecting them to their hearts and offering them their feminine wisdom and transmissions from this space. 

What is possible in the space of Eros is limitless, beyond what you can imagine. This is the part of us that over centuries has been feared, condemned and forgotten by most. But when we learn to connect to our Eros, we find ease in creating as we are creating from our bodies and our hearts, rather than the mind, and from this place love is leading our creation.

By creating a collective of conscious companies, our hope is to show men and women what is possible when they surrender to their divinity and let that guide them into the unknown, helping them to create the change the world so desperately needs.