Conscious Connections hand selects women who have shifted into this new way of being. These women have all delved into tantra, embodiment, self pleasure and understanding archetypes, through many different new age leaders, meeting all of their edges, connecting to all parts of themselves and removing any guilt and shame they have suffered in their past. They are able to hold you in such deep reverence and connection, because they choose to face all of their shadows. These women are the new age Priestesses.

The women that work for us are very real women. They are all healthy and naturally beautiful and have that kind of magnetism that draws men in and makes them feel safe. They all have a deep compassion for men, and desire to hold them in love, understanding and connection.


Confidence and Understanding of Women

The tantric escorts will give men the opportunity to intimately get to know and understand the way a woman’s body and mind works. They offer this by inviting men to talk about any fears, confusion or intrigue they feel towards women, and offer the opportunity to explore a woman’s body with clear, practical guidance.



Connection to and Mastery of your Sexual Energy

Through erotic play, erotic bodywork and sensual experiences, we will guide you on a journey, where you will learn how to tune into your aliveness and learn techniques to move this energy though your body, releasing tension and stress. You can then take this experience of true connection and aliveness back into your relationships and into your life.



Creating Trust in the Feminine

We offer you the opportunity to witness a woman who is truly connected to her feminine essence. Through witnessing her in self pleasure and vulnerability, you will get to know the divine feminine, helping you to connect to and trust this side of yourself as well.



The Experience of Unconditional Love in a Safe and Nourishing Space

The tantric escorts who work for Conscious Connections do so because they have a deep desire to love men and because they understand the healing power of sexual energy. They offer a safe space of unconditional love by coming from a place of compassion, love and a want to truly understand you and your desires.