Conscious Connections hand selects men who have woken up to the new paradigm way of relating and being. These men are connected to both their feminine and masculine and know how to play between the different archetypes. They know how to ground their energy and hold you, how to surrender in trust to the feminine and they understand the power of total presence in intimacy. 

These men are fit, good looking and have an infectious energy for life. They have a deep love and appreciation of women and desire deeply to hold you in your vulnerability and surrender. They are good conversationalists and enjoy getting to know the mystical ways of the feminine and what makes YOU tick.

So if you desire to be held in this space, to be worshipped or to worship, to explore your wants, needs and desires, to learn about a different way of relating or to explore erotic energy with someone who can move this energy and knows what it feels like in their body, then come a little closer and ask a little more.


Confidence and Understanding of Men

The men who work for Conscious Connections have explored their minds and bodies intimately and come to you with a desire to help you understand men and what drives them wild in a safe and nurturing place. They invite you to bring your curiosities about the masculine and to take your time in exploring what helps a man feel like the sex god he desires to be. They will teach you how to communicate what feels good for you in a way that doesn’t offend the sensitivities of a male.



Connection to the Erotic Goddess within You

These men have done the work on themselves to be able to truly embrace your erotic goddess. This is an opportunity for you to show up in all the erotic-ness you have been hiding out of fear of being taken as ’too much’. These men are able to honour you in your divine feminine, helping to free you of society's restraints.


Creating Trust in the Masculine

This is an opportunity for you to explore the way you relate and interact with men. To heal any wounds you carry from experiences you’ve had with unintegrated men, where you may have felt your boundaries crossed. It's a space to practice expressing your desires and to explore what it feels like to honour your boundaries.


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The Experience of Unconditional Love in a Safe and Nourishing Space

The tantric escorts who work for Conscious Connections do so because they have a deep desire to love women and because they understand the healing power of sexual energy. They offer a safe space of unconditional love by coming from a place of compassion, love and a want to truly understand you and your desires.